Environmental education activity
23 April, 2022Project partners SPEA explained the main actions of the project to students in a school in Nazaré.
23 April, 2022Project partners SPEA explained the main actions of the project to students in a school in Nazaré.
8 April, 2022In this blog, we summed up workshops we organised for local fishers and stakeholders to discuss seabird conservation and solutions to the threats Yelkouan Shearwaters face at sea.
26 January, 2022Project partners SPEA (Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves) hosted an online workshop with the aim to ‘Train the Trainers’ that will engage the fishing community on bycatch.
5 January, 2022Between the start of the new year and the end of March, French project partners LPO France showcased the LIFE PanPuffinus! project at an exhibition held at l’Espace Nature des Salins d’Hyères, on the Mediterranean coast of France.
15 November, 2021In this blog published on the occasion of World Fisheries Day, we explained how we are working with local fishers to research possible impacts on seabirds and to help develop safe practices, while respecting traditions.
26 October, 2021Project Manager Manya Russo was invited to attend the national climate change conference held in Malta.
21 October, 2021The importance of the Maltese Islands for seabirds such as the Yelkouan Shearwater came under the spotlight during the popular Rai Uno TV show Linea Blu – il mare on line in Italy.
11 October, 2021Light pollution is a major and growing threat for breeding Yelkouan Shearwater (Garnija), Scopoli’s Shearwater (Ċiefa) and Mediterranean Storm-petrel (Kanġu ta’ Filfla) in the Maltese Islands.
6-8 October, 2021In the first week of October, a biosecurity plan development training workshop led by RSPB was organised in Rochefort, France.
26 September, 2021Balearic Shearwaters love European anchovies and gather with gulls in large flocks around purse-seine fishing nets, in hopes of a meal.