The Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) is the French BirdLife partner and has long experience on the protection of seabirds. With its network and partners on the French Mediterranean coast, LPO will improve the knowledge and state of seabird bycatch in this area.

Susan Waugh
Project Coordinator
Susan is the LIFE PanPuffinus! coordinator for LPO. Susan has worked with seabirds in the Pacific for a number of years, including on fishery bycatch issues. Susan coordinates work with the French partners on the programme, in addition to engaging with the international partners.

Alexandra Caron-Strehlow
Fishery Policy Officer
Alexandra is LPO’s Fishery Policy Officer, and works with French and European policy makers, to develop recommendations on fishery bycatch management for France. Alexandra previously trained at the European Commission specialising in maritime affairs and fisheries.

Thierry Micol
Head of Biodiversity, Sustainable Development, International & Overseas Territories
Thierry Micol is Head of Biodiversity, Sustainable Development, International and Overseas Territories at the LPO, and manages the team responsible for conservation and research programmes, including those involved in EU-funded LIFE programmes on diverse birds, endemic fauna and habitats.
In France the project also has a number of partners and co-funders. These are listed below: