National Climate Change Conference
26 October, 2021Project Manager Manya Russo was invited to attend the national climate change conference held in Malta.
Details26 October, 2021Project Manager Manya Russo was invited to attend the national climate change conference held in Malta.
Details21 October, 2021The importance of the Maltese Islands for seabirds such as the Yelkouan Shearwater came under the spotlight during the popular Rai Uno TV show Linea Blu – il mare on line in Italy.
Details11 October, 2021Light pollution is a major and growing threat for breeding Yelkouan Shearwater (Garnija), Scopoli’s Shearwater (Ċiefa) and Mediterranean Storm-petrel (Kanġu ta’ Filfla) in the Maltese Islands.
Details6-8 October, 2021In the first week of October, a biosecurity plan development training workshop led by RSPB was organised in Rochefort, France.
Details26 September, 2021Balearic Shearwaters love European anchovies and gather with gulls in large flocks around purse-seine fishing nets, in hopes of a meal.
Details24-25 September, 2021The trials and tribulations of the Yelkouan Shearwater were the subject of a puppet show and a workshop for children held during this year’s Science in the City.
Details23 September, 2021For World Maritime Day 2021 we penned this blog which also touched upon fishing and bycatch and the work we’re doing through LIFE PanPuffinus! to further understand this issue and how best to overcome it.
Details4-7 September, 2021Visitors to the IUCN Congress in Marseille (France) visited the stall on seabird bycatch to learn about this threat to seabirds through a photo exhibit, informative panels and a board game on seabirds.
Details28 August, 2021After several visits which started in May, the monitoring season in the Cyclades island complex of Gyaros (which hosts the most important colony of Yelkouan Shearwater in Greece) came to an end in August.
Details6-7 August, 2021On the first weekend of August we held our sunset shearwater boat trips for 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we only held two trips and to celebrate the launch of LIFE PanPuffinus! this year we offered the trips for free to our members.